Public Site

ePropertyPlus Public Site is a fully-integrated website used by ePropertyPlus Subscribers to advertise properties for sale or disposition. Subscribers can decide what information to share for each property, associate properties to specific application types, and allow the public to engage with and apply for property. If you want to run a live property auction or a vacant property registration program, Public Site allows you to do that, too.

Some of the neat features of Public Site:

Configure Page Layouts

Style and format how you want your data to be displayed, including adding links, images, and custom pages for each property profile. Use a "featured properties" landing page to highlight your best or most important properties. When a visitor clicks on a property...

...the user will see a unique Property Profile page that allows them to scroll images, view in a Map View, or apply using a simply "Apply" button.

ePropertyPlus Property Profile Page

Automatic Data Updates

As you update your property records in ePropertyPlus, you can share those updates automatically on your Public Site, eliminating data entry redundancy and burdensome synchronization routines. If you need to publish or unpublish a property, add a custom page to explain program offerings or rules, or change listing details, you can do that in ePropertyPlus staff site and those changes are reflected automatically on Public Site.

Online Applications

Configure online applications – as many as you like – to allow an applicant to submit an Application to acquire a property. Configure each application type to gather the information needed to review and approve dispositions. Leverage required fields or optional fields to cut down on incomplete applications and to guide the applicant to give you the information you need. Collect uploads or attachments, documents, and deploy digital signatures, all with ePropertyPlus Applications. On the staff side, applications use built-in workflows to efficiently allow staff to process applications and communicate statuses to applicants.

Applicants can submit documents, images or attachments, digitally sign applications, make payments and update applications over multiple sessions.

Mobile Friendly

Public Site is optimized for display on any mobile device, making it easy for the public to search for property and apply for properties anytime and anywhere. Users can also access their login accounts to recieve important updates on applications previously submitted.

Google Analytics

Integrate with Google Analytics to gain insight about your audience and their interest. Analytics can help identify a property that is getting a ton of interest or those that visitors might be overlooking.

Integrate With Social Media

Built-in integrations for Facebook and Twitter let you extend your marketing using social media to drive traffic and create audience interest. Simply share a property to your social media feed to elevate interest in your property.

Want to learn more about our features? Check out our demo page!